July 15, 2012

Dear Old People! Stop Blaming Us for Your Shit Society

You know.  I have been busy lately and unfortunately I haven't been able to write for this blog; however, after reading an article  about how the Issues of today's society have been brought on by a spoiled youth who refuse to grow up.... a reply was needed.

This belief that the issues of today's modern society is due to today's youth is preposterous and ridiculous!  yes, we do have surreal expectations for work...yes, we do expect to be nurtured and babied throughout our lives...But to blame these issues on the youth is unfair and down right a lie!  In fact, the issues with today's society belong with the previous generation... our parents!

That's right!  The generation before the iphone-wearing-latte-drinking-overeducated tool is to blame for the issues of today and I'll explain why?

They Wont Growup!

We are currently suffering from an epidemic that has not been reported by our media today!  Today, 53% of people under 30 are unemployed.  This number is extremely terrifying considering the fact that a high number of these unemployed are college and university graduates.  The media argues that Today's youth is lazy and they refuse to work hard; however, what they fail to realize is that the issue is not with the youth trying to find jobs, it is with their parents giving them away.  More and more seniors are continuing to work way past their parents age of retirement-failing to provide positions for the young.  Not only are these seniors working longer, they are usually paid far more than the youth. With so many seniors refusing to retire, many business can not afford to hire new employees and our youth are forced to suffer.

They took our debt

Following the Second World War, the economy was booming.  With all this wealth, our parents began demanded the government to fund for many services they believed were rights of a citizen.  Even while the economy was slowing in the 70's, our parents continued to demanded services forcing the governemnt to fall into debt!
But while their protests were uprising and uplifting, our parents argue that the  protests of today's youth are a sad example of a spoiled generation of cry babies.  While they both argued for the same rights, the previous generation believes that their fight was righteous over the current one.

They are Far too proud
Oh Please, You know it is!

One thing that annoys me about the previous generation is how proud they are about their useless generational accomplishments!  From Music to"war", our parents over praise their own history as if they are a talking Facebook timeline.  Their music was decent at best and aside from a few Pacino movies, their film industry was a complete flop... But they really have nothing to truly be proud of! The wars,and social movements that actually mattered happened before (civil rights, women's suffrage) or following(gay marriage, Native rights) this generational gap!  Yet even though they have nothing to fall on, many historians and writers still believe we are the forgotten generation.

The previous generation have a sense of importance that is undeserved! their social accomplishments were mediocre and overrated and their wars were non existent; however, many people believe that the issues with our world stem from our youth!  Instead of criticizing our youth, the previous generation must take a stand and strive to get them on their feet!  You wanna see half the youth mature?  lower the 53% unemployment rate and you'll see how we can make you proud!

Typical metality of our parent's generation

1 comment:

  1. Can you read this as stand up comedy? Cos you had me ROTFLMSAO.
