When I imagine the ultimate man, the first person that comes to mind is, myself James “Mother Fucking” Bond - A suave killer who is able to save the world while seducing hundreds of women. Over the years, one actor and five pussies have had the honour of playing this great man; however, only one has gotten it right…
Sean Connery!
Connery’s Bond was awesome! his Bond was a sexist, misogynistic drunk that had little sympathy for his actions! Exactly what Bond should be! If a bitch got out of line, Sean’s Bond wasn’t afraid to teach her a well deserved lesson.
George Lazenby
“Hey guys, I have this great idea for our new Bond! Instead of a British citizen, let’s get an Australian! and instead of an actor, let us get a male model who has only done one commercial! This is going to be great!”
Roger Moore
I do not know how it is possible to have Jaws and Oddjob as enemies and to still create some of the Worst movies in the history of mankind
Timothy Dalton
Dalton is a great bond…if it were a show on broadway! seriously dude… you need to relax with the over acting!
Pierce Brosnan
How could a man start so well, almost destroy one of the greatest movie franchises! This guy was so shit that he got fired. Maybe if he lifted some weights I could take him seriously! seriously, I think my sister could kick you ass… and she is a giant pussy
Daniel Craig
Quantum of Solace sucked because:
1) The bad guy’s name is elvis
2) the bad boss looks like Marc Anthony if he had leukemia. yet, he still puts up a huge fight against the juiced Craig…. what a pussy
3) The evil plan was to steal……WATER!!!
4) it is set in Bolivia….Where the fuck is Bolivia people (yes I know it is in South America…)
5)it has a stupid title
6)the fight scenes! how the fuck did that skinny twat kill the Bolivian military leader! Seriously… you kill people for a living! how could you let this slag defeat you! if I was in your position, I would have broken her jaw with a left hook and followed up with a ball kick directly to her ovaries, baring her from bearing any children! That would serve her a lesson for avenging her parents’ deaths! maybe you should have taken some advice from Sean Connery…
Flush out
for some reason, the rest didn’t save! so shit!
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