What do you think?
August 23, 2012
July 15, 2012
Dear Old People! Stop Blaming Us for Your Shit Society
You know. I have been busy lately and unfortunately I haven't been able to write for this blog; however, after reading an article about how the Issues of today's society have been brought on by a spoiled youth who refuse to grow up.... a reply was needed.
This belief that the issues of today's modern society is due to today's youth is preposterous and ridiculous! yes, we do have surreal expectations for work...yes, we do expect to be nurtured and babied throughout our lives...But to blame these issues on the youth is unfair and down right a lie! In fact, the issues with today's society belong with the previous generation... our parents!
That's right! The generation before the iphone-wearing-latte-drinking-overeducated tool is to blame for the issues of today and I'll explain why?
They Wont Growup!
We are currently suffering from an epidemic that has not been reported by our media today! Today, 53% of people under 30 are unemployed. This number is extremely terrifying considering the fact that a high number of these unemployed are college and university graduates. The media argues that Today's youth is lazy and they refuse to work hard; however, what they fail to realize is that the issue is not with the youth trying to find jobs, it is with their parents giving them away. More and more seniors are continuing to work way past their parents age of retirement-failing to provide positions for the young. Not only are these seniors working longer, they are usually paid far more than the youth. With so many seniors refusing to retire, many business can not afford to hire new employees and our youth are forced to suffer.
They took our debt
Following the Second World War, the economy was booming. With all this wealth, our parents began demanded the government to fund for many services they believed were rights of a citizen. Even while the economy was slowing in the 70's, our parents continued to demanded services forcing the governemnt to fall into debt!
But while their protests were uprising and uplifting, our parents argue that the protests of today's youth are a sad example of a spoiled generation of cry babies. While they both argued for the same rights, the previous generation believes that their fight was righteous over the current one.
They are Far too proud
One thing that annoys me about the previous generation is how proud they are about their useless generational accomplishments! From Music to"war", our parents over praise their own history as if they are a talking Facebook timeline. Their music was decent at best and aside from a few Pacino movies, their film industry was a complete flop... But they really have nothing to truly be proud of! The wars,and social movements that actually mattered happened before (civil rights, women's suffrage) or following(gay marriage, Native rights) this generational gap! Yet even though they have nothing to fall on, many historians and writers still believe we are the forgotten generation.
The previous generation have a sense of importance that is undeserved! their social accomplishments were mediocre and overrated and their wars were non existent; however, many people believe that the issues with our world stem from our youth! Instead of criticizing our youth, the previous generation must take a stand and strive to get them on their feet! You wanna see half the youth mature? lower the 53% unemployment rate and you'll see how we can make you proud!
This belief that the issues of today's modern society is due to today's youth is preposterous and ridiculous! yes, we do have surreal expectations for work...yes, we do expect to be nurtured and babied throughout our lives...But to blame these issues on the youth is unfair and down right a lie! In fact, the issues with today's society belong with the previous generation... our parents!
That's right! The generation before the iphone-wearing-latte-drinking-overeducated tool is to blame for the issues of today and I'll explain why?
They Wont Growup!
We are currently suffering from an epidemic that has not been reported by our media today! Today, 53% of people under 30 are unemployed. This number is extremely terrifying considering the fact that a high number of these unemployed are college and university graduates. The media argues that Today's youth is lazy and they refuse to work hard; however, what they fail to realize is that the issue is not with the youth trying to find jobs, it is with their parents giving them away. More and more seniors are continuing to work way past their parents age of retirement-failing to provide positions for the young. Not only are these seniors working longer, they are usually paid far more than the youth. With so many seniors refusing to retire, many business can not afford to hire new employees and our youth are forced to suffer.
They took our debt
Following the Second World War, the economy was booming. With all this wealth, our parents began demanded the government to fund for many services they believed were rights of a citizen. Even while the economy was slowing in the 70's, our parents continued to demanded services forcing the governemnt to fall into debt!
But while their protests were uprising and uplifting, our parents argue that the protests of today's youth are a sad example of a spoiled generation of cry babies. While they both argued for the same rights, the previous generation believes that their fight was righteous over the current one.
They are Far too proud
Oh Please, You know it is! |
One thing that annoys me about the previous generation is how proud they are about their useless generational accomplishments! From Music to"war", our parents over praise their own history as if they are a talking Facebook timeline. Their music was decent at best and aside from a few Pacino movies, their film industry was a complete flop... But they really have nothing to truly be proud of! The wars,and social movements that actually mattered happened before (civil rights, women's suffrage) or following(gay marriage, Native rights) this generational gap! Yet even though they have nothing to fall on, many historians and writers still believe we are the forgotten generation.
The previous generation have a sense of importance that is undeserved! their social accomplishments were mediocre and overrated and their wars were non existent; however, many people believe that the issues with our world stem from our youth! Instead of criticizing our youth, the previous generation must take a stand and strive to get them on their feet! You wanna see half the youth mature? lower the 53% unemployment rate and you'll see how we can make you proud!
Typical metality of our parent's generation
April 1, 2012
Ron Paul Roundup
For those of you who Don't know much about Ron Paul, here is a round up of videos for Ron Paul 101.
Ron Paul on Military Spending
Ron Paul on Gay Marriage
Ron Paul on Drug Legalization
Ron Paul on Iran
Ron Paul on Birth Control
Ron Paul on Kicking Ass
More to come
Ron Paul on Cuba
Ron Paul on Abortion
Ron Paul on Trade with China
Flush out
March 27, 2012
March 24, 2012
The CDC must put limits on Dihydrogen Monoxide
Dihydrogen Monoxide (DHMO) is a colourless, odorless chemical that is currently legal in our country. While the CDC does not label DHMO as a dangerous chemical or carcinogen, it is often found in many toxic substances and is the leading constitute of many environmental hazards and biological diseases.

![]() |
Ironically enough, these all have DHMO! |
Today, DHMO has become one of the most abundant chemicals on our planet. It can be found in many household cleaners, air-conditioners, cigarets, and other hazardous materials. DHMO was even used and released into the ocean during the meltdown of the Fukishima Power plant in Japan last year.
So why is this important? Well today, GIANT CORPORATIONS have begun to use DHMO in many of their products to lower their costs and increase their profits. Even though it is known that DHMO is found in some of the most dangerous chemicals on Earth, it is still legal for big business to use it on us for their profits. The use of DHMO has been so prevalent that our lakes and rivers are now been saturated with this chemical!
Other facts about DHMO:
- often used as an industrial coolant
- since the first nuclear power plant opened in America in 1959, DHMO has been increasingly been found in tumors
- a major component of pesticides and herbicides
- if taken on its own, it can improve the performance of athletes.
- was found in the nazi death camps during WWII
- is a major component of homemade bombs
- is often found in schools, and community parks
- found in shampoos and cough medicine

side effects include:
- bloating
- excessive sweating and urination
- abnormal body temperature
It is crucial that the public learns about DHMO and takes charge to tell our government we have had enough. Giant corporations must not have the ability to use DHMO on us in order to increase the size of their wallets. Call your representative and ask them to ban DHMO!
For more information click this source: http://www.dhmo.org/facts.html
So what do you think? Leave a comment and vote for or against the banning of DHMO on our poll.
Flush Out
March 18, 2012
Listen to this - Goyte - Somebody That I Used to Know
I don't know about you, but this guy gives me a strange Sting vibe...great song though
March 14, 2012
Attention Kitchener-Waterloo Residents 2 - Cat Walk Video
As previously mentioned, I am volunteering at a local humane society and we are hosting a fashion show on March 25th. Today, we released a video of the recent Top Dog Model Search. if you are interested in donating in coming or to donate a silent auction item please check out the Kitchener-Waterloo Humane Society's website at kwhumane.com.
Flush out
Humane Society | Kitchener Waterloo Region | Top Dog Model Search | Directed by Skylight for The Event Film from Nelson Dunk on Vimeo.
Flush out
Humane Society | Kitchener Waterloo Region | Top Dog Model Search | Directed by Skylight for The Event Film from Nelson Dunk on Vimeo.
March 8, 2012
Your Tax Dollars at Work - Lottery Winners Still Accepting Public Assistance
Source: (CNN)-- Amanda Clayton hit it big playing the Michigan Lottery. Like many winners, she used her $1 million prize to buy a new house. But the Lincoln Park, Michigan, resident is receiving money in another form -- $200 a month in state food assistance, according to CNN Detroit affiliate WDIV. "I thought that they would cut me off, but since they didn't, I thought, maybe, it was OK because I'm not working," Clayton, 24, told WDIV when it asked whether it was appropriate for her to receive the money. continue reading at CNN.com
This case is a perfect example of the issue surrounding Welfare and Public Assistance in our country. The main goal of welfare is to provide citizens with a safety net during periods of hard times and unemployment. Citizens who lost their jobs had the opportunity to receive welfare until they were able to regain their footing and get back to work.
In today's day and age, the view of welfare has change dramatically. The embarrassment of obtaining welfare has been replaced with the total reliance of it. Welfare is no longer is seen as a program of necessity, but rather it is seen as a program that is deserved. Many are no longer using welfare to sustain themselves until they find employment; but rather, they are using public assistance to maintain themselves, with no intention of leaving.

It is time for our nation to remind people that we must maintain ourselves and not rely on our government for our existence. Welfare is our safety net, and we should use it as so. This is important because the more an individual relies on their government, the less that individual will progress.
Flush out
update: Video of the news story. "she'll be back."...so true....so sad but true
update2: took out Abraham Lincoln quote. Apparently a fake. plus more videos!
In today's day and age, the view of welfare has change dramatically. The embarrassment of obtaining welfare has been replaced with the total reliance of it. Welfare is no longer is seen as a program of necessity, but rather it is seen as a program that is deserved. Many are no longer using welfare to sustain themselves until they find employment; but rather, they are using public assistance to maintain themselves, with no intention of leaving.
It is time for our nation to remind people that we must maintain ourselves and not rely on our government for our existence. Welfare is our safety net, and we should use it as so. This is important because the more an individual relies on their government, the less that individual will progress.
Flush out
update: Video of the news story. "she'll be back."...so true....so sad but true
update2: took out Abraham Lincoln quote. Apparently a fake. plus more videos!
February 29, 2012
I am Man - Hear Me Roar
For the last 100 years, society has made a giant leap in eliminating the inequalities that had existed between men and women. Today, women are able to choose their profession, marry who they want, and have the liberty to be who they want to be. While much can be said about these achievements, little has been written about their costs. For the last 50 years, many of the struggles surrounding men have not only been forgotten, but they have been ignored. Society's strive to create a society free of any sexual bias has placed many barriers and restrictions on men, and put much emphasis towards women and their struggles. My issues surrounding society's inequalities towards men can be put in two categories: judicial and education.
Our judicial system has a strong sexual bias towards men in both criminal and civil courts. In criminal courts, men are more likely to be handed harsher sentences than their female counterparts. This bias can clearly be seen in cases of statutory rape - male offenders are seen as monsters, while female offenders are victims of psychological issues or abusive relationships.
This "poor victim" had sex with her student |
Another example of sexual bias in criminal courts involves men accused of sexual harassment. Whether the male is accused of rape or workplace sexual harassment, he is placed in a position where he must prove his innocence not only to the courts, but also to society. Society's bias towards men can also be seen in divorce courts where females are far more likely than men to be awarded spousal support, and child custody.
My other issue surrounding society's bias towards men is through our education system. For the last 50 years, our education system has radically changed to allow females to succeed and have a post-secondary education. Due to these strives, women have outnumbered men in post education and post graduate courses. While women have surpassed men in education, our society continues to strive to eliminate any disparity men many have over women in certain subjects. An example of this is Math. Teachers have been instructed to include other subjects -such as English- in their Mathematics to allow their female students to score higher; however, educators have failed to add cross-curricular work in subjects that are often dominated by females.
In subjects such as English, children are encouraged to read books they like; however, the books that are popular and available are often written by women and geared towards them. Even books that are directed towards boys -such as Harry Potter Books - are often filled with pictures or written by women and fail to have the connection many banned books such as Crusoe and Huckleberry Finn may have. This is of grave concern to me because society is ignoring an important social issue. In many communities - such as African-Canadians and new immigrants - male high school graduation rates fall below 50%. It is crucial for us to recognize the problems that exists in our educations system and act on them rather than continuing down this path and ignoring this new plague that exists.
I told you! Edward was the vampire....bitch |
In essence, our society's strive to create equality has forced us to ignore many of the issues surrounding men. It is crucial for organizations to bring these issues to light so that our society can recognize the disparities and act upon them.
Flush out
February 20, 2012
February 9, 2012
Attention All Kitchener-Waterloo Residents...
Hello Everyone,
I am volunteering for the Kitchener-Waterloo humane society and we are hosting a fashion show event next month. I would really appreciate it if you could share this post so that more people know about this event and are able to either donate or participate.
Thank you!

Presents the Top Dog Model Search for the Kitchener - Waterloo Humane Society's 6th annual "On the Cat Walk" Fashion Show.
The top ten dogs chosen will win the opportunity to be in The Kitchener-Waterloo Humane Society’s 6th Annual “On The Cat Walk Fashion Show” presented by Rens’ Pets Depot.
For more information please contact:
519-745-5615 x 226
$10 registration fee
Registration is limited
also presents the 6th annual "On the Cat Walk" fashion show on Sunday, March 25, 2012.
St. George Hall
665 King St. N
Doors Open at 12:30
Showtime at 2:00
Tickets $30
4 Tickets $100
Tickets can be purchased online www.kwhumane.com or at the K-W Humane Society. 250 Riverbend Dr. Kitchener
The afternoon will see fun loving Waterloo Region residents unite for one of the area’s most unique and entertaining events. The 6th Annual “On the Cat Walk” Fashion Show presented by Ren’s PETS Depot. The afternoon features, great food and professional models from Gemini Modeling, complimented by some of the most adorable canine pets from our community. You will also have the time to shop from our great retail partners or bid at the silent auction.
All proceeds support the orphaned animals of our community.

Sign up on Facebook!!!
I am volunteering for the Kitchener-Waterloo humane society and we are hosting a fashion show event next month. I would really appreciate it if you could share this post so that more people know about this event and are able to either donate or participate.
Thank you!
The top ten dogs chosen will win the opportunity to be in The Kitchener-Waterloo Humane Society’s 6th Annual “On The Cat Walk Fashion Show” presented by Rens’ Pets Depot.
For more information please contact:
519-745-5615 x 226
$10 registration fee
Registration is limited
St. George Hall
665 King St. N
Doors Open at 12:30
Showtime at 2:00
Tickets $30
4 Tickets $100
Tickets can be purchased online www.kwhumane.com or at the K-W Humane Society. 250 Riverbend Dr. Kitchener
The afternoon will see fun loving Waterloo Region residents unite for one of the area’s most unique and entertaining events. The 6th Annual “On the Cat Walk” Fashion Show presented by Ren’s PETS Depot. The afternoon features, great food and professional models from Gemini Modeling, complimented by some of the most adorable canine pets from our community. You will also have the time to shop from our great retail partners or bid at the silent auction.
All proceeds support the orphaned animals of our community.
Sign up on Facebook!!!
February 5, 2012
"It was better under Margaret Thatcher"
For all the oasis fans out there, Noel Gallagher shares his opinions on life, politics, and growing up.
Noel Gallagher: 'It was all better under Margaret Thatcher' | Mail Online
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/home/moslive/article-2094856/Noel-Gallagher-It-better-Margaret-Thatcher.html#ixzz1lcUY44ec
Noel Gallagher: 'It was all better under Margaret Thatcher' | Mail Online
He's cleaned up and straightened out, but remarkably, given his own wild past, he despairs of today’s feckless youth...
'Under (Margaret) Thatcher, who ruled us with an iron rod, great art was made. Amazing designers and musicians. Acid house was born. Very colourful and progressive,' said Noel Gallagher
'We were brought up under Thatcher,’ Noel Gallagher is saying.
‘There was a work ethic – if you were unemployed, the obsession was to find work.
'Now, these kids brought up under the Labour Party and whatever this Coalition thing is, it’s like, “Forget that, I’m not interested. I wanna be on TV.” It was a different mindset back then.’
We’re halfway through a wide-ranging conversation in a north London studio, and the man whose brawling band’s conspicuous drug use, bad language and swagger were irresistible to Tony Blair (you’ll recall the 1997 photo opportunity) is sipping a hot drink and telling me this country was better under Margaret Thatcher.
‘Under Thatcher, who ruled us with an iron rod,’ he says, ‘great art was made. Amazing designers and musicians. Acid house was born. Very colourful and progressive.
'Now, no one’s got anything to say. Write a song? No thanks, I’ll say it on Twitter. It’s a sad state when more people retweet than buy records.’
Gallagher, who doesn’t tweet, has got a point. He may yet prove to be the last British rock star.
It’s hard to imagine another arising whose hold on the public imagination is so strong that the News At Ten reports when their single fails to hit No 1, as happened in August 1995 with the great Oasis v Blur clash.
‘I had a tendency to say horrible things about Blur,’ Gallagher says ruefully. ‘We were like two fighting cocks for the music press.
'But this is what Damon and I were saying when we saw each other recently: we were of the shared opinion that it was bloody great. And that it doesn’t happen any more. We were two great bands who had big egos. Me and him, and Liam. We wanted to be the best.’
So Gallagher has mended fences with Damon Albarn, having once wished he’d ‘catch Aids and die’.
Noel is entirely clean now, bar the odd beer or cigarette. He's in no doubt as to what turned him around. 'Meeting my wife (Sara MacDonald). She was the catalyst for everything,' he said
He hasn’t done the same with his younger brother, whose yobbish behaviour supplied the bulk of Oasis headlines when times were good. When times were bad, they couldn’t be in the same room. Liam’s behaviour drove Noel to walk out of tours in 1994 and 2000.
A backstage altercation in August 2009 saw Noel walk out for good, effectively ending Oasis.
Before this interview, I was told Noel wouldn’t be answering any questions about Liam.
‘I decided, now I’m not in Oasis, I don’t have to do that any more,’ Gallagher says when I ask him why.
‘Because all that needs to be said has been said. There’s no need any more. I just want to forget the personality wars.’
There’s more to it than that. Last August, Liam sued Noel for saying he’d pulled out of the 2009 V Festival because of a hangover.
In November, Noel lodged his response with the High Court: a writ accusing Liam of leaving abusive voicemail messages on his wife’s phone, attacking him with a guitar and ‘spiteful and childish’ behaviour on 12 occasions.
It’s not hard to deduce the ban on discussing Liam could be for legal reasons.
Since 2009 the Gallaghers have pursued rival careers; Liam with three Oasis bandmates under the name Beady Eye, Noel with session musicians as Noel Gallagher’s High Flying Birds. Noel’s album went to No 1 in October and a UK tour begins this month.
‘I still need a band on stage, because unfortunately I can’t play everything at once,’ he says. ‘But I’ll master it one day.’
Noel's album went to No 1 in October and a UK tour begins this month
He seems happy on his own. I wonder, if he hadn’t fallen out with Liam, might he have disbanded Oasis anyway?
‘I did find it difficult the longer Oasis went on,’ Gallagher agrees, ‘because no one out there was really interested in the next record.
'We rode out a few bad tours and bad albums, then got it back. But put it this way – three million people were coming to see us play live; we weren’t selling three million records.’
You’d become a nostalgia band?
‘In the same way that no one at a Rolling Stones gig cares about their next album. The more records you make, the more difficult it is to say new things.
'Anyway, in the end personal things had got so bad that it was best for everybody if we just called it a day.’
Two years on, and despite the court case, Gallagher hardly looks freighted with woes. Five feet eight inches tall, he’s wiry and alert, with a confidence £30 million in the bank will tend to give you.
He’s toned down his wolf-man eyebrows, too.
‘Grazia put me at the top of their Chart of Lust twice last year, so I must be doing something right,’ he says.
‘A woman of a similar age wouldn’t look as good. I feel sorry for girls in the music industry. They do have a very short shelf life. For instance, Duffy: who? Gone. She was massive. And I don’t doubt for a second that the same thing will happen to Adele.’
Although he’s bullish now, there was a time when Gallagher wasn’t so sure of himself. Oasis’s fortunes peaked in 1995 with the Knebworth gig attended by 375,000 over two nights. Then the troubles began.
‘We went through a period as a group from 1998 to 2000 where everyone was getting divorced,’ Gallagher says.
‘Creation (the record label) was going down the toilet. My daughter didn’t have two stable parents: her mother wasn’t a rock star, but unfortunately was behaving like one.
'I was trying to get off drugs, but I only swapped illegal drugs for prescription drugs. If you’re on private health care, they’re only too willing to dish them out. Ask Keith Richards.’
Gallagher is entirely clean now, bar the odd beer or cigarette. He’s in no doubt as to what turned him around.
‘Meeting my wife,’ he says. ‘She was the catalyst for everything.’
Noel met publicist Sara MacDonald in Ibiza in 2000 when still married to first wife Meg Mathews. She was cited in the 2001 divorce, although Gallagher later said he’d only claimed to have committed adultery to speed up the proceedings.
'I did find it difficult the longer Oasis went on, because no one out there was really interested in the next record,' said Noel (pictured: the band in 1999)
‘When I met her, I was in a circle of friends where the party from the Nineties was still raging,’ he says.
‘I’d sold my house in Primrose Hill to get away from it, but the party just moved out to the country with me. I’d done too much and my insides couldn’t take it any more. I decided I’d go straight for two weeks. Then two weeks became two months.
'Suddenly you think, “Hang on, these people are quite mad – I’m not sure I like any of them.” My entire life was 12 to 20 people and I walked away from them for good. It was the most difficult thing I’ve ever done. Then out of nowhere, I met Sara and the road to where I am now became apparent.’
The couple have been together 11 years and have two sons – Donovan, four, and Sonny, one. They married last June. Asked why he bothered after 11 years, he plays it down.
‘There comes a point where a 44-year-old man sounds stupid saying, “This is my girlfriend.” What am I, Rod Stewart?’
Nevertheless, marriage is an institution he didn’t need to enter. Could he finally be turning… conservative?
He bridles. Don’t use the c word. He never would have visited Number 10 if John Major had invited him, he says. But, it turns out, he will be sending his sons to private school.
‘I don’t want them coming home speaking like Ali G,’ he explains. ‘Anyone in my position, you owe it to your children to send them to a school where they don’t have to walk through a metal detector in the morning.
'There were riot police outside our local school the other morning. Turns out there’d been a stabbing. Rival gangs. We shouldn’t need riot police at schools. This is Maida Vale. This isn’t Handsworth or Tottenham, do you know what I mean? I don’t want my kids going to a school like that. I’d rather they were at a school with Russian oligarchs’ children.’
We talk about how his boys’ childhood is going to differ from his own. Gallagher’s mother walked out on his abusive father in the Eighties, taking Noel, Liam and their elder brother Paul with her. In a way, Gallagher says, it was the making of him.
'I found solace in music,’ he says. He doubts his own sons will have the same need for songs. There’s too much technology, too much Twitter. That’s when he says people were more ambitious under Margaret Thatcher.
‘Kids now watch America’s Hardest Prisons and want to be in a gang,’ he says. ‘They’ve no imagination. When I was 16 I’d watch The Godfather, but I didn’t think, “Right, I’m going to go down the barber’s and get some protection money off him.”
Noel and Sara have been together 11 years and have two sons - Donovan, four, and Sonny, one
'Our generation was more likely to go, “I wonder where the nearest acting school is? Who wrote that soundtrack? Who’s Francis Ford Coppola?” It’s the de-education of the masses.
‘Last August I was on tour in Europe and people were asking me about the riots. All over the world, Syria and Egypt, people were rioting for freedom. And these kids in England are rioting for tracksuits. It’s embarrassing.’
Gallagher was arrested in his early teens for petty crimes including stealing a milk float. He puts this down to a hatred of authority, a reaction against his abusive father.
One of the rioters arrested came from Burnage, where the brothers grew up – in fact, he stole £175 of clothes from Liam Gallagher’s Pretty Green shop. But Noel has no sympathy at all with the looters.
‘It would have been beautiful if, after the MPs’ expenses scandal and the bankers’ bonuses scandal, people took to the streets and smashed the living daylights out of the City of London,’ he says.
‘Instead, it started because a drug dealer was shot. He was carrying a gun, he was shot by a policeman, it’s all on Twitter and before you know it there’s a riot going on. It was a mass outbreak of robbery and I was embarrassed to be a Mancunian. I saw kids on the telly saying in their Ali G voices, “It’s payback for the po-lice.” What does that mean? “Cause they arrest yer for stupid things.” Like what – hopping on one leg? Doing a silly walk like John Cleese? Get home, you idiot.’
Gallagher is by now in his stride. He’s seldom been at a loss for an unkind word about his fellow man – and nowadays, the things he’s angry about are the same things The Mail on Sunday’s readers are angry about. And the things he cares about, we do too. Older, wiser and rid of his brother, it’s starting to look like Noel Gallagher’s one of us.
‘It’s a sign of the times that I used to get offered sex and drugs after gigs and now it’s free driving lessons,’ says Gallagher, who was offered lessons by a fan last year.
And his politics have been shifting recently.
‘Up until the last election, I voted Labour all my life,’ he says. ‘But I’ve lost all faith in the Labour Party. After the expenses scandal and what happened with the banks – that “There’s no money left” note and all that – I just look at them and think the Labour Party should really be ashamed of themselves for the way they let the country down. I voted for a pirate at the last election.’
Ah. Not quite the doughty burgher I’ve been trying to paint him as, then. Fair enough. As if to prove a point, he tells me about the psychedelic album he’s working on for release at the end of the year, which will alienate his more musically conservative fans.
Is the idea to show that he’s more than the crowd-pleasing rocker once taunted with the jibe ‘Oasis Quo’?
‘I don’t want to be “interesting”,’ Gallagher scoffs. ‘I don’t want critical acclaim. I don’t want my songs to be social commentary. Radiohead can have that. That’s why they’ve never done three nights at Wembley. I want the money. I want the jet, the holiday and the first-class lounge.’
But he’s already got all of that, in spades. He says he wishes his sons were old enough to come out on tour with him now – implying that by the time they are he’ll be retired. I suggest he could retire now and enjoy the fruits of his labours.
‘Paul McCartney’s still touring,’ he counters. ‘While you can still write songs, you should.’
With respect to McCartney, nobody wants to hear his new songs. They all want to hear Beatles songs. Which brings me to the inevitable question. Given that an Oasis reunion tour, once his feud with Liam is patched up, would be one of the biggest money-spinners in history, how long is he going to wait?
‘I don’t mean to straight-bat this,’ he says, ‘but what people want me to say is, “Yes, I’m bang up for the reunion.” They’re talking about 2014, the 20th anniversary of Definitely Maybe.
‘As it draws closer, yeah, the bandwagon will get rolling, the drums will beat louder – but let’s wait for then, eh? It’s years away.’
It’s two years away. If I were you, I’d book your seats at Wembley now.
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/home/moslive/article-2094856/Noel-Gallagher-It-better-Margaret-Thatcher.html#ixzz1lcUY44ec
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