Over the past few years, many issues have arisen concerning Christmas and the holidays. The corporations and governments choice to celebrate the "Holidays" has offended many christian groups who strongly believe that it is crucial for us to keep the Christ in Christmas. Personally, I always wish a Merry Christmas, and I understand these groups and their strive to protect their Christian traditions; however, I believe that corporations and our government have every right to include as many ethnic groups during this joyous occasion. Christians are not the only group celebrating an event and the government has an obligation to appease all citizens. Christmas itself was moved to December by Christians to model a Roman gift-giving holiday in the Church's beginnings.
While this issue may not bother me to an huge extent, an issue that does offend me during this time of season is the alteration or change of christian traditions to appease other groups. More specifically, the strive to change the Christmas Tree into the Holiday Tree.
Recently, Rhode Island Governor Lincoln Chafee created controversy when he named the state's decorated spruce the "Holiday tree" - a name that brings great offence to me and should being great offence to other Christians. People may think that by allowing our government or other groups to alter the tree to appease other traditions, we are being more inclusive and less offensive - this however is not the case. The Christmas tree is filled with symbolism that is of great importance to Christians. - the star, the type of tree, the ornaments - all have symbolic meanings that not only reflect this holiday season, but more importantly to Christ. By renaming the spruce a holiday tree, Christians are losing the symbolism and meaning of this figure, and instead it has turned into a corporate image for consumption - the tree becomes a resting place for our presents, rather than a meaningful expression of our faith
I feel that people should always welcome other groups to experience and understand their traditions; however, to change your tradition to appease them is wrong and should not be tolerated.
We do not call the menorah a holiday candle, so why is it fine to change this?
Flush out