December 3, 2011
Be Politically Correct, Call it a Christmas Tree
While this issue may not bother me to an huge extent, an issue that does offend me during this time of season is the alteration or change of christian traditions to appease other groups. More specifically, the strive to change the Christmas Tree into the Holiday Tree.
Recently, Rhode Island Governor Lincoln Chafee created controversy when he named the state's decorated spruce the "Holiday tree" - a name that brings great offence to me and should being great offence to other Christians. People may think that by allowing our government or other groups to alter the tree to appease other traditions, we are being more inclusive and less offensive - this however is not the case. The Christmas tree is filled with symbolism that is of great importance to Christians. - the star, the type of tree, the ornaments - all have symbolic meanings that not only reflect this holiday season, but more importantly to Christ. By renaming the spruce a holiday tree, Christians are losing the symbolism and meaning of this figure, and instead it has turned into a corporate image for consumption - the tree becomes a resting place for our presents, rather than a meaningful expression of our faith
I feel that people should always welcome other groups to experience and understand their traditions; however, to change your tradition to appease them is wrong and should not be tolerated.
We do not call the menorah a holiday candle, so why is it fine to change this?
Flush out
November 28, 2011
November 27, 2011
New Occupy Posters
flush out
Update: You can send your pictures or comments directly to me at
November 21, 2011
BREAKING NEWS - Good Bye OWS - Toronto
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Dear Occupy Toronto, Fuck off! Love, Mayor Rob Ford |
November 17, 2011
Why OWS Will Fail
2. They are too Divided
3. They have no Leader
November 15, 2011
Watch This: Bullshit
November 14, 2011
November 13, 2011
Read this: Ocuppiers Right, Wrong
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Source: Toronto Sun |
SEIU Now Collecting Dues from Medicaid Payments Meant for Disabled Kids | The Weekly Standard
There are a number of bizarre schemes unions have used to coerce dues out of public funds. For a long time, I thought the most appalling example was a Michigan scheme where the United Auto Workers and the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees held a sham vote-by-mail organizing election that "unionized" Michigan's home daycare providers largely against their will. This allowed them to collect union dues from state chid care subsidies.
However, it turns out there are even worse union scams happening in Michigan right now. Joel Gehrke at the Washington Examiner reports:
If you're a parent who accepts Medicaid payments from the State of Michigan to help support your mentally-disabled adult children, you qualify as a state employee for the purposes of the Service Employees International Union (SEIU). They can now claim and receive a portion of your Medicaid in the form of union dues.
Robert and Patricia Haynes live in Michigan with their two adult children, who have cerebral palsy. The state government provides the family with insurance through Medicaid, but also treats them as caregivers. For the SEIU, this makes them public employees and thus members of the union, which receives $30 out of the family's monthly Medicaid subsidy. The Michigan Quality Community Care Council (MQC3) deducts union dues on behalf of SEIU.
The SEIU takes $6 million a year that would otherwise go to helping disabled children. Unions seem to wonder why they are under attack these days, but you read reports like this and it's not exactly a mystery why more and more Americans are fed up.
November 3, 2011
Read this - Why the West is losing out to the rest
October 30, 2011
Listen to this - Rihanna - We Found Love
October 28, 2011
Lie#3: "We want to replace capitalism with socialism/wealth redistribution/a more just system."
The OWS protesters have tried to create an economic system amongst their movement that they believe is more just and responsible than the one that is already set in place; however, less than a month in, many issues have begun to arise.
In one example, the kitchen staff at the OWS protest has begun protesting because they Ironically feel that they are unappreciated and overworked. The kitchen staff argued that some people are TAKING ADVANTAGE of the system and FREELOADING off the work of others. Personally I couldn't agree with them any more. I also have a hatred for people that take advantage of the system and expect others to take care of them...
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Hey, can you use your iPhone to google irony? |
We are Wall Street
October 27, 2011
Want to stop the influence lobby groups and donations have on your government....go speak to your union
OWS protesters argue that Wall Street and huge corporations have far too much power and influence amongst our politicians. Look at any OWS forum and you will repeatedly see people arguing for the elimination of private donations in America.
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Source: |
October 26, 2011
October 23, 2011
Hate the Tea Party...You Should Blame Yourself!
From the moment of Bush's election, the Democrats cried fowl and called the election fraudulent. left wing organizations such as took to the internet to display their theories of the election and severely criticize the president and call for his impeachment. This criticism exploded following 9/11 and the invasion of Iraq. As his term progressed, so did these groups and their use of social media. Theories of 9/11 were published as fact and were even made into a full length documentary.
The creation of this tea party was in part due to the bickering of the left. after years of using the media and internet to spread their message across, the right has finally discovered how to use this tool in their favor. For the Tea Party, now is Obama's turn to hear the music.